Hey everybody!
Well, I actually have two things to celebrate today. One is my younger puppy's birthday - Bella is one year old today! I told her she has to start acting like a grown-up dog now, but I'm thinking that's not going to happen for a while :) Here she is engaging in her two favorite activities - looking cute, and chewing on her bone.
My other celebration is that I am now the owner of a Canon 5D Mark II. I've graduated to a very pro, really amazing camera - I can't believe it! So, of course, I was itching to try it out and documenting Bella's birthday seemed like the perfect occasion for that. It's weird - it's like Christmas came super early this year. I never thought I would be this excited about a camera - but I suppose that's because until recently it didn't even occur to me that I could be a photographer.
Anyway, I'm enjoying my celebrations today. More shots to come soon!
that is a cute puppy... wish I had one like it...
oh my goodness!! bella looks just like my lil baby, which i know we have discussed ;) i found out recently that min pins breed history is part dachshund! and i can definitely see it :)
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