Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy 85th, Grandmother!

These are some photos from my Grandmother's 85th birthday party back in mid-December. We had family, food, fun, and to top it off, it was all held in a castle! This castle is a testament to French castles from long ago, even though it is found in rural Louisiana! It was such an honor to be the photographer, and I can't say that I've ever shot at such an unusual location.

It was a wonderful experience, and I know that my grandmother had a truly special time (can't you tell by the photos? She was always smiling...) Happy Birthday, Grandmother!


ellenmarie said...

i absolutely ADORE the first photo! it looks unreal! of course the others are beauties too ;)

meena said...

Thanks!! It was pretty unreal staring at that huge castle - so I'm glad I communicated that!